How To Experience Support When Alone

What I find interesting about being supported is that we as tribal mammals are designed to support one another. To have each others backs. To be there to lean on AND to do the leaning. Yet it can so often be hard to ask and receive support.

This can be due to how we were raised and social expectations. It could be that from a very young age we never got support. Or it could be that trauma has had an impact on how we respond to the idea of receiving support.

Yet, we all NEED support. To feel that someone/something/somewhere has our back. That we don’t have to have it all together. Or be in it alone.

My hopes with this video is that you gain a sense of how to feel supported, even if you’re alone. That there’s a feeling inside that you can connect with that might provide a sense of connection and support with whatever is available for you.

You are not alone. We’re in this together. I’m here with you.

Sending supporting vibes your way.

xo Nicole

PS. If you're struggling, overwhelmed or in a crisis and need extra support, don't hesitate to reach out to a Crisis Hotline.

If you don't know where to start, try here:


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