Join Nicole for this intimate and in-depth year long experience to create lasting change at cellular and energy levels.

Your wisdom lies within.

Discover how to listen.

EXPAND is for those who are ready to do the dive into deepening their experience of themselves, while also looking to be part of a container of like minded people who are on a similar journey.

We'll spend the year together shifting and transforming the patterns and trauma's we find ourselves stuck in. We will also discover what it means to live as a whole, sovereign being, and how we're all a part of a bigger collective experience.

We'll dive deep with the support of the 8 modules of DISCOVER which are loaded with content that will guide you to experience yourself and the world in ways that you didn't know were possible. We'll create change at a cellular level in our 1:1 and group sessions, play within our vulnerable edges in our Pod Calls, expand our learning through our Q&A's and the Demo Calls and we'll get to experience the power of what's possible through connection with each other online and in an in-person gathering.

It will require your attention, dedication, and commitment.

Are you ready!? 

Throughout our lives we have learned to protect ourselves, manage and control situations, or simply distract ourselves so that we don't have to experience feeling the intensity of the core trauma's we're stuck in and the burden's we're carrying.


When you learn to take a closer look, you'll discover that these patterns often run much deeper than you ever imagined. The intergenerational, cultural, and societal impact on how it is we show up in the world is profound! 


I'd like to support you in revealing, exploring, and shifting out of these patterns. I'd like to show you how the journey back to yourself doesn't have to be so complicated. I'd like to guide you back to the wisdom that lies within you.

Come practice being real, raw, and held in an intimate setting as you reveal, explore, and transform your patterning and conditioning while deepening your access to your internal wisdom and sense of wholeness.




Somatic Experiencing®, Feldenkrais®, Somatic Practice, Yoga, & Internal Family System Informed Practitioner

Just like you, I’m a whole and sovereign being, who also has patterns based on survival, conditioning, and impacted by our societal pressures and expectations. And like you, I’m here with purpose, to continue to evolve and live as part of the collective consciousness.

I’m a guide who supports from a place of embodied knowing, while also walking the path alongside you. My style of working is very intuitive and awareness based. I’m able to tune in to what's happening within other peoples experiences as I support them in exploring their conditioning and patterns that are often rooted in trauma, which can be anything that involves the need to survive.

My practice is a blend of modalities and I enjoy weaving the spiritual in with the science. Most importantly, how I guide others is a reflection of the knowledge I've gained through my own personal inquiries and experiences. I'm committed to supporting people in creating change at cellular and energetic levels while guiding them to listen to their own internal wisdom.

My offerings provide educational and experiential tools and practices that will move you out of survival, lead to more regulation within your nervous system, and have you recognize that you are a whole sovereign Being.  

I believe that the journey is never ending for all of us and that the only way that we can make real long lasting change is by connecting into our own internal wisdom.

My dream is for people to recognize and create more space for being human in all of its complexities, from a place of wholeness and with grace.

Learn More About Me

The Investment


• 8 Modules of Content
• 8 One on One Sessions
• 8 Group Sessions
• 20 Pod Calls
• 8 Q&A's
• 8 Demo Calls
• A 4 day In-Person Gathering
• Individual and Group WhatsApp Support
• Ongoing Themed Workshops every 4 months

• Ongoing Monthly Check-In Calls with the DISCOVER Community

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