A Survival Guide For You & Your Nervous System

Hosted by Nicole Lohse, Somatic Experiencing, FeldenkraisĀ® & Yoga Practitioner

Dive into understanding the roll of your Autonomic Nervous System and the importance that regulation has in being healthy, free and in flow.

Learn how your trauma & your survival patterns are limiting you from accessing meaningful and authentic relationships with yourself and others.ā€Ø

Explore how the language of your body can guide you to making real, lasting transformations and to truly becoming more embodied.

Gain the tools needed to support yourself on your journey. Ones that can be utilized and explored, anytime, anywhere, to really shift your experiences.

It can feel like you're constantly trying everything you can to make things different.
And yet, a key piece is often missing.

It can be different.

Real and lasting transformation can happen.
Are you ready to dive into this life-changing information and begin listening to your body more deeply right away?

Let's do this!

Meet your host, Nicole Lohse

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner®, Somatic Practice, Feldenkrais® & Yoga Practitioner 

As a trained expert in body based trauma practices, I support people who feel disconnected and are craving deep, meaningful relationships with themselves and others shift out of their survival patterns, heal trauma and truly understand their nervous system so that they feel whole, empowered, free and find a sense of belonging.

I'm fascinated by all of us human beings and I geek out on anything mind, body and soul related.

I am committed to supporting people in recognizing their own innate ability to move past the blocks that are stopping them from creating deep relationships with themselves and others so that they can living a more fulfilling and free life.

For this to happen we each need to move out of survival state, find regulation within our nervous system and be more connected within our mind, body and soul.

What drives me is seeing, feeling and knowing that the potential to do this lies in each of us.

I am here to create a movement. 
To get the word out before it’s too late and to have more and more people recognize that change is possible. 
Both within ourselves and globally.

Together we can make a difference. 
Together we can be the change.

Let's do this!

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